Imagine investing in one, single investment your entire life and then losing it all. Don’t think its possible? That’s what happened to my family.
My dad was in the real estate market all his life. While it was lucrative and highly attractive something happened that no one could have predicted, the ’08-’09 Recession. This was a catastrophic time for everyone. My dad owned multiple businesses (title agency, mortgage company, real estate property), he owned over 20 homes that he rented out and produced a passive income from. Once the recession started he lost it all. It was nothing my dad did that caused any of this but the market and economy that took a turn for the worst.
While my dad did diversify his investments (Title company, Mortgage Company, Rental Properties) they were all with the same category, real estate. In order to diversify your income one would want to invest in real estate, cryptocurrency, stocks, small business investments, etc.
**The idea behind diversification is if one source dries up or is no longer producing a profit then you will have another or two or three other sources you can also rely on.
The main goal is to be financial independent and not have to worry about money. If your only source of income is your 9-5 job then I encourage you to start looking for a second source.
If your only investment contribution is in stocks then I encourage you to look into a second investment category.
The trick is to have multiple assets in multiple categories that generate income for you so no matter what happens you will always have income coming in!
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